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Fixed position data capture terminals (clocking in, job cards, etc.)

Fixed position data capture terminals (clocking in, job cards, etc.)

What does 'Fixed position data capture terminals (clocking in, job cards, etc.)' mean?


Other categories for this manufacturer: | Panex |

View product group Fixed Access Control / Logging Terminal Fixed Access Control / Logging Terminal

Unitech Europe

Other categories for this manufacturer: | Unitech Europe |

View product group Unitech MR-350  
View product group Unitech MR-380  

What is it?

Fixed position data capture terminals (clocking in, job cards, etc.)

Fixed position data capture terminals (clocking in, job cards, etc.)

These units are usually fixed to the wall, and are used by many people - for example, to 'clock in' and 'clock out'.

They typically have a swipe card reader that can read magnetic cards, or cards with barcodes (we can supply both types).

These products are just as powerful as portable data capture units - essentially they are non-portable portable data capture units (if that makes sense). Software runs on these devices to control what they do (we develop software to suit your requirements, and for a fixed cost).

Communications is often done remotely, via modem. If you have 3 or 100 sites you can gather all of the data in minutes.

Usually they are attached to your companies network (if you have one). That way you can have the data emailed to you from multiple sites, to the head office, or access the data over your company intranet or LAN (Local Area Network) - or even your WAN (Wide Area Network), or VPN (Virtual Private Network) over the Internet, etc.

Alternatively, they can be attached to the serial port of a nearby PC. However, it is actually better to add a network card to the PC and use it instead of the serial port, as the network can be over a longer distance and multiple units are easier and faster to add and talk to.



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