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Vehicle mounted terminals / printers


What does 'Vehicle mounted terminals / printers' mean?

Honeywell (HHP Handheld)

Other categories for this manufacturer: | Honeywell (HHP Handheld) |

View product group Honeywell (LXE) Thor VM1 indoor touchscreen vehicle-mount computer / Windows CE6.0 or Windows Embedded Standard / RF terminal option / internal or external wifi antennas Honeywell (LXE) Thor VM1 indoor touchscreen vehicle-mount computer / Windows CE6.0 or Windows Embedded Standard / RF terminal option / internal or external wifi antennas

Toshiba TEC

Other categories for this manufacturer: | Toshiba TEC |

View product group Toshiba TEC MD-480i portable / mobile 24-pin dot matrix printer Toshiba TEC MD-480i portable / mobile 24-pin dot matrix printer

What is it?

Vehicle mounted terminals / printers


Vehicle mounted terminals usually have an external reader attached - which can be a hand held reader bolted to part of a forklift, or a proper fixed mounted industrial scanner - or both.

Fixed mounted readers can read barcodes on shelf edges and gives the driver the go ahead signal to lift that pallet.

Attaching a long range hand held scanner is the most flexible option. But make sure you give your drivers good safety advice - you don't want people hanging out of forklift windows, trying to reach barcodes.



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