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Honeywell Dolphin 6500 for mobile data collection with internet access and high performance barcode reader

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PDF Honeywell Dolphin 6500 for mobile data collection with internet access and high performance barcode reader

Honeywell (HHP Handheld). Portable / mobile wireless terminals (WiFi 802.11 / GPRS internet / Bluetooth / etc. ) Pocket PC, Microsoft Windows Mobile, CE 5.0 / 6.0, Visual Studio, .Net, flash, touch screen, etc.. Honeywell Dolphin 6500 for mobile data collection with internet access and high performance barcode reader. Lowest price at barcode.co.uk

Future proof efficient barcode reading, big screen and full alphabet keyboard option.

Honeywell’s Dolphin 6500 is a lightweight and versatile mobile computer that provides advanced data collection and real-time wireless communication for in-premise applications in retail, grocery and light-industrial supply chain environments. Multiple keypad options—the 28-key numeric and the 52-key alphanumeric—allow the deliver to be tailored to meet application requirements, as well as user preference.


  • Real-Time Wireless Communication: Advanced integrated 802.11b/g technology delivers real-time network access to critical information and supports advanced wireless security standards
  • Versatile, High Performance Data Collection: Adaptus® Imaging Technology 5.5 reads linear and 2D bar codes, captures digital images, and enables electronic signature capture—enabling workers to do more with a single device
  • Optional Slide-on Handle Accessory: Provides a productivity-enhancing solution for applications that require high volume scanning such as inventory management and stock replenishment

Optional Accessories

Honeywell (HHP Handheld). Portable / mobile wireless terminals (WiFi 802.11 / GPRS internet / Bluetooth / etc. ) Pocket PC, Microsoft Windows Mobile, CE 5.0 / 6.0, Visual Studio, .Net, flash, touch screen, etc.. Honeywell Dolphin 6500 for mobile data collection with internet access and high performance barcode reader. Lowest price at barcode.co.uk

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Product: Honeywell Dolphin 6500 for mobile data collection with internet access and high performance barcode reader
Part (Main Item) Mfr # Description Price Qty



Honeywell Dolphin 6500 mobile computer Windows CE 5.0, 2D 5300SR imager, alphanum 52 keys, 3.5" touch screen 240 x 320, Bluetooth, 128 MB RAM, 128 MB flash, IP54, power supply, battery




Honeywell Dolphin 6500 mobile computer, Windows CE 5.0, 2D 5300SR imager, numeric 28 key, 3.5" touch screen 240 x 320, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g, 128 MB RAM, 128 MB flash, IP54, power supply, battery




Honeywell Dolphin 6500 mobile computer, Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 2D 5300SR imager, numeric 28 key, 3.5" touch screen 240 x 320, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g, 256 MB RAM, 256 MB flash, IP54, power supply, battery




Honeywell Dolphin 6500 mobile computer Windows CE 5.0, IS4813 laser, alphanum 52 key, 3.5" touch screen 240 x 320, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g, 128 MB RAM, 128 MB flash, Windows Embedded Handheld, IP54, power supply, battery




Honeywell Dolphin 6500 mobile computer Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, IS4813 laser, alphanum 52 key, 3.5" touch screen 240 x 320, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g, 256 MB RAM, 256 MB flash, Windows Embedded Handheld, IP54, power supply, battery




Honeywell Dolphin 6500 mobile computer Windows CE 5.0, 2D 5300SR imager, numeric 28 keys, 3.5" touch screen 240 x 320, Bluetooth, 128 MB RAM, 128 MB flash, IP54, power supply, battery




Honeywell Dolphin 6500 mobile computer Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 2D 5300SR imager, alphanum 52 key, 3.5" touch screen 240 x 320, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g, 256 MB RAM, 256 MB flash, Windows Embedded Handheld, IP54, power supply, battery


Accessories Mfr # Description Price Qty



Honeywell Dolphin 6500 Homebase charging and communications cradle USB and RS232 with spare battery charging slot (power supply comes with terminal)




Honeywell Dolphin 6500 gun handle




Honeywell Dolphin 6500 spare 3300 mAh battery kit (battery and door)


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