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Sage Line 50 / Sage 50 Accounts prepared products (with FREE tailoring) that are already in use by Sage users across the UK, from single person businesses to PLC's

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barcode.co.uk. Sage accounts / inventory software additions / automation. Sage Line 50 / Sage 50 Accounts prepared products (with FREE tailoring) that are already in use by Sage users across the UK, from single person businesses to PLC's. Lowest price at barcode.co.uk

Do businesses simply order these Sage additions off this page? Never - they call us to discuss what they need and we offer a huge amount of information / advice - to make sure what we offer is ideal for you. Nobody buys our solutions and leaves it sat idle because it is not suitable; otherwise we would not be paid - we are paid by result.

Why is this page so very long? Because we offer a huge 'range' of add-ons for Sage. Is this a complete list? No - just the Sage additions that businesses are using today. We do offer to add completely new Sage additions, if there is a demand (for example we have added additions for different couriers, as business approached us who use different couriers). Some of our Sage additions are used by very many Sage users, for common tasks, while some very specialised Sage additions are obviously used by fewer Sage users.

Our product range means you only pay for what you need. We do not offer - nor recommend - an all singing all dancing 'solution' to business issues; because they tend to be; unaffordable, risky, a shock to your business, inflexible, complex, ...

We recommend 'targeted' solutions to the 'main' issue(s) you face. Why? Because it is; quicker to begin to use, less risk, affordable, more flexible, you see a big improvement for your outlay, .... For example, many Sage users that approach us already have solutions from other providers, for many different tasks; internet order import, EPOS, courier labels, etc. - usually the very common things many businesses need to do. Usually it is unwise to buy everything from the same provider - because some solutions require 'expertise' in that area - you do not buy; holidays, car spares and sausages from your dentist (however convenient it would be).

In fact, with targeted solutions you generally save more time / money than the solution costs - which is why our customers pay us a small risk free license fee every year; because they know it is saving them money every year. In fact, many businesses could only profitably operate or grow with the assistance of our Sage solutions. They also allow people to employ untrained staff, or in some cases cut back on staff, or re-assign staff to more profit making activities (rather than mundane jobs that take up a lot of time).

Prices are at the bottom of this page. Our solutions offer risk free pay-as-you-go simplicity - coupled with short and long term flexibility - with the ability to gain big savings from minimal initial outlay.

IMPORTANT: Hardware is a one time only cost - so this should be taken in to account - hardware can last 10 years and is more cost effective to purchase outright; and we offer general purpose hardware, that can be used for multiple jobs (i.e. not proprietary to our systems). The hardware we recommend is deliberately; tough, simple to use, reliable, from leading manufacturers (i.e. 10,000's of suppliers recommend the same equipment) - and it does not go out of fashion.

HIRE: This is an option that can reduce your risk even further. The hardware we offer is the best equipment available from the top manufacturers, but if you wish to remain flexible and reduce the initial investment then hiring is a good option. In addition, even when you do buy hardware, there are occasions when you need to hire additional barcode readers (e.g. for a stock take) for a short period; to increase the speed of the process.

- 'Amazon Seller Central, Marketplace Web Service (MWS)' - Automatically collect orders from Amazon in to Sage 50 Accounts, as Sales Orders or Invoices. Automatically create / update customer delivery details.

- 'Goods Despatched Note' - Use a portable barcode reader to log items despatched and to create a Goods Despatched Note (GDN) - so you can allocate stock to a Sales Order then Invoice exactly what has been shipped.

- 'Goods Received Note' - Use a portable barcode reader to log items received and to create a Goods Received Note (GRN) - so you can book those items in to stock, flag Purchase Orders for payment / part payment, allocate stock to Sales Order, etc.

- 'Barcoded Invoice' - Print Invoices with barcoded Product Codes / Stock Codes / Suppliers Part Numbers / Invoice Numbers / Serial Numbers using compact industry standard Code 128, EAN-13, SSCC-18, ... barcodes.

- 'Barcoded Despatch Note' - Print Despatch Notes with barcoded Product Codes / Stock Codes / Suppliers Part Numbers / Invoice Numbers / Serial Numbers using compact industry standard Code 128, EAN-13, SSCC-18, ... barcodes

- 'Sage Report Designer Barcodes' - Print barcodes in Sage v14 via Sage Report Designer with some limitations (due to Sage Report Designer itself) - but powerful. Call for details to see if limitations affect your potential solution.

- 'Label Despatch' - Automatically print despatch labels with all information coming from a Sage. Save time and remove stress at despatch time. Get accurate despatch information to your customers. With the click of a button print labels for a complete shipment, or any number of shipments.

- 'Royal Mail Postcode Address Lookup' - From just a simple short postcode have full addresses entered in to Sage for you in an instant - no spelling mistakes in hard to spell road names or place names. Have addresses checked for accuracy.

- 'Time & Materials' - Automatically log time and materials used on; processes, projects, jobs, machines so that you can bill clients for work and see where bottlenecks are. Keep track of stock levels by booking materials used out of stock. Options include automatic billing / invoicing.

- 'Parcel Force Despatcher' - automate all tasks to do with the Parcel Force system. Save time and stress at despatch time. Get accurate despatch information to your customers too. Updates consignment numbers / tracking numbers and depot numbers.

- 'CityLink Despatcher' - automate all tasks to do with the CityLink CLAN 2000 system. Save time and stress at despatch time. Get accurate despatch information to your customers too. Updates consignment numbers / tracking numbers and depot numbers.

- 'DHL Easyship Despatcher' - automate all tasks to do with the DHL Easyship system. Save time and stress at despatch time. Get accurate despatch information to your customers too.

- 'DPD Despatcher' - automate all tasks to do with the your courier system. Save time and stress at despatch time and throughout the day, every day of every week, year round. Automates printing of courier labels without manual address input via your chosen courier's system. Other features include postcode flagging / checking and automatic courier service selection - and other features can be added to suit your requirements as they change.

- 'Courier Despatcher' - automate all tasks to do with the your courier system. Save time and stress at despatch time. Get accurate despatch information to your customers too. Updates consignment numbers / tracking numbers and depot numbers.

- 'EPoS' - Sell items even when network access is down. Stores local last known price and creates local sales / invoices until network access is restored. Prints invoices to avoid reliance on network / Sage. Allows fast entry of Stock Codes, creates Sales Orders, Allocations and Invoices.

- 'Goods In / Out' - Making accurate stock adjustments automatically, so Sage knows what has arrived / what has been sent out, so your stock increases / decreases. With the portable barcode reader simply scan the barcode to identify the item, now enter a quantity (do this for 1 or 100+ different products quickly and easily) then put the portable terminal in its charger and press our software button to update Sage in an instant.

- 'Put Away' - Making accurate stock location updates, so Sage knows where newly arrived items are located. Stock records are intelligently updated in Sage. With the portable barcode reader simply scan the barcode to identify the item, now scan the bin / shelf / pallet location / etc. then put the items away. Finally put the portable terminal in its charger and press our software button to update Sage in an instant.

- 'Picking' - Accurate and quick picking of items. 100% accuracy - no stress of deciding is this item right - the barcode scanner 'instantly' shows you - YES this is correct - or NO, try again. Display item Stock Code, description and quantity to pick - all sorted by Stock Code and allow only the correct item to be picked.

- 'Picking with Back Order' - Same as Picking, but with added creation of automatic Back Orders if item is not in stock.

- 'Stock Take' - Quickly and accurately scan Stock Codes and enter quantities. Automatically make 1 or 1,000's of stock checks and any appropriate stock adjustments.

- 'Order Entry Rapid Telesales' - Take orders over the phone quickly and accurately (no more picking orders from illegible scribbles). Unlimited optimisation of order line product selection - instant filter by; brand, category, description keyword, price range. Enter orders many times faster than Sage screens. Additional functions like; linked products (e.g. tell people ordering an item that they need a special battery), or bundled product offers - the scope of optimisation is unlimited. Order entry is even better than your own online order system (which you have tried to make the easiest in the world).

- 'Portable Order' - Quickly scan barcodes on items (or for items not barcoded individually, scan off shelves, or anywhere). With the click of a button a Sales Order / Invoice / Pro-Forma is created instantly for any number of items (all that remains is to select the customer) and Sage can then process the Sales Order or Invoice in the normal way - reducing your stock accordingly (i.e. Goods OUT).

- 'Portable Order (Projects)' - Same as Portable Order but instead of Invoices / Sales Orders - stock is allocated and de-allocated to Projects.

- 'Portable Order for PC' - Quickly scan barcodes on items. With the click of a button a Sales Order or Invoice is created instantly for any number of items (all that remains is to select the customer) and Sage can then process the Sales Order or Invoice in the normal way - reducing your stock accordingly (i.e. Goods OUT).

- 'Portable Order (For Purchase Orders)' - Quickly scan barcodes on items (or on shelves; as items are put away). Click one button and a Purchase Order is created instantly in Sage for the items. In the new Purchase Order just select the correct Supplier and Sage can process the complete delivery.

- 'Quick Receipt' - High-speed receipt printing like Tesco and B&Q.

- 'EPOS Lite' - Simple EPOS (i.e. till) uses your PC to scan barcodes on one or a heap of items, take the customer's cash, calculates the change for you, opens the cash drawer for you and prints a high speed, Tesco style receipt (optional - needs receipt printer). The sales items are recorded, or piped directly to Sage. If recorded, they can be piped to Sage any time you wish (i.e. just before you re-order stock). Sales are collated - so you instantly see the bulk sales volumes (with the minimum of transactions in Sage).

- 'Label POP' - Allows you to instantly print labels. Print 1 label or automatically print a mix of quantities - with all of the information coming from Sage Purchase Orders (PO) (i.e. so you can quickly label what has just arrived with the right quantity of labels) - or from Sage Products (i.e. print labels for every product that has recently changed price, or changed weight, or changed description) - or from Sage Goods Received Notes (GRN) if you always get part deliveries. Print labels with varying bits of information (e.g. PRICE, DESCRIPTION, BARCODE) or remove information that you don't want (e.g. PRICE) automatically.

Even if you do -not- use Purchase Orders, you can use Label POP in two exciting ways; either add-hoc by selecting one product at a time and printing 1 or more copy labels, or by -temporarily- creating a temporary fake Purchase Order, listing many products and quantities and having the whole list printed; then simply delete the temporary Purchase Order (the choice is yours).

- 'Label SOP' - With the click of a button print labels for a complete shipment, or any number of shipments, or one or more orders or just one product. Allows you to print labels with any amount of information (e.g. BARCODE, PRICE, DESCRIPTION, PRODUCT CODE, SALES ORDER NUMBER, SELL BY DATE, BATCH NO.) or remove information that you don't want (e.g. PRICE) automatically. Print 1 label or print a mix of quantities automatically - with all of the information coming from a Sage sales orders (SOP) or Invoicing.

- 'Barcoded Catalogue' - Automatically print a catalogue with every item barcoded with a retail code or your Sage product code. Options include sorting by category for speedy lookup and reference, sorting by supplier for supplier specific catalogues (again for speed of reference), or filtering by category for printing specialised catalogues (of only one or a few types of product). Or filtering to print a catalogue for just product containing specific word(s). Why can we guarantee these options will suit you - because we offer FREE modifications - for example, all these options never existed until Sage users simply asked for them - and many updates can be delivered in hours (not months).

- 'Serial Tracking' - Allows you to quickly and accurately scan and store the exact quantity of serial numbers for items on Purchase Orders and Sales Orders / Invoices for complete end-to-end traceability. All traced data is stored in an open Access database which is linked to Sage by Sage transaction number (Purchase Order Number / Invoice Number) and Product Code. You can extend this system to your hearts content - add extra fields, print or view reports of any serial numbers issued on a specific date (or date range), or to specific customers, or from specific suppliers - or show all the transactions for a specific serial number - so you know if it is in warrantee, who you bought it from, who you sold it to, etc.

Note: Additional system requirements for Sage Serial Tracking include Microsoft Access (for flexible reporting, long term serial tracking data, mail-merge letters, etc.)

- 'Asset Issue and Return' - Allows you to quickly and accurately scan and store the exact quantity of asset numbers for items on Purchase Orders and Sales Orders / Invoices for complete end-to-end traceability and stock control. All stock data is stored in Sage and Sage stock increases on return and decreases on issue. All traced data is stored in an open Access database which is linked to Sage by Sage transaction number (Purchase Order Number / Invoice Number) and Product Code. You can extend this system to your hearts content - add extra fields, print or view reports of any serial numbers issued on a date, or to a customer, or from a supplier - or show all the transactions for a specific serial number - so you know if it is in warrantee, who you bought it from, who you sold it to, etc.

- 'Order Check' - Pick orders however you like, then check them super fast against the customer's order for 100% accuracy. Each item you pick up can be checked in less than 1 second.

- 'Returns' - Deal with everything to do with processing returns. Returns numbers are allocated on first contact with customers. A returns labels or A4 self addressed returns note is automatically generated which can be emailed. When items are received the returns number can be scanned together with any serial number to note the arrival and to then attach any subsequent actions (e.g. repair, replacement, credit, no fault, returned to customer, etc.). Unlimited statistical reports can be run, at any time, to see which items have most faults and if customers are returned more items than others.

- 'Purchase Order (Delivery) Check' - Check instantly if an item you have in front of you is on the Purchase Order and see instantly how many you ordered (plus where they should be put). Stop your staff constantly leafing through pages of Despatch Notes / Purchase Order copy, looking for long meaningless Product Codes (save time, stress and eyesight).

- 'Traceability' - Quickly and accurately scan and store Batch Numbers against Purchase Orders / Sales Orders.

- 'Live Stock Level Enquiry' - Scan a product and immediately tell a customer if you have enough in stock (e.g. materials, wallpaper, tiles, other kit parts, etc.) or what the lead times are, or any amount of information; extra discount levels, safety advice, tips, other recommended products (with a Pocket PC you can even show them images or video clips if available, or link in to your own internet or local web pages) - you name it.

- 'Job Track' - Track jobs from one area / zone / task / department / site to the next (e.g. in to department one at 10:00 AM, into department two at 12:30 AM). Zones can be the time a job starts, or the time a job ends. Give customers information about their order even before they have had a chance to complain about the delay and lack of information. Email them before they call you - keep them up-to-date and happy.

- 'Mobile Van Sales / Shelf Restocking / Route Accounting' - Take orders from customers very quickly (don't waste their valuable time or yours). Offer every customer firm guarantee on delivery (by telling the truth about stock levels; so they can get items elsewhere to fill any small gaps). Order quantities can be allocated 'instantly' with head office / warehouse. This system is live like the internet with mobile phone access.

- 'Visit / Consultancy' - This is completely optional (we supply most systems with just a few exchanged telephone conversations), but a visit and consultancy will save you money by minimising your spend on software systems and will give you confidence and will detail in writing the simplest, most efficient system. At the end we will give you a Plain English report, that you can send to any company you are thinking of buying a system from (i.e. not just to us, or our systems) - so that you do not buy in to a completely inappropriate system (from companies charging £50,000 to £30 Million - for what should be a small, simple system). We will also demonstrate our software solutions / portable terminals / printers, etc. We will also make hardware recommendations and produce software specifications; which you can then use to get competitive quotes. The total value of this service is well in excess of £2,000 (which is the list price should this service be ordered through a 3rd party consultant).

We also typically include up to 2 licenses (the extra 1 is FREE) - for each Sage addition - so any expansion of the use of the software doesn't incur any cost at all; and if you need more than 2 licenses the cost is not prohibitive - it gets lower.

The portable terminal has two FREE bonus features (1) if you scan all of your existing stock, you can download the file and that's your stock take information; although it won't make any adjustment for you automatically in Sage, but you can do these by hand (2) you can scan a list of serial numbers and store them in Excel sheets; one for each Invoice / Purchase Order; again this is a semi-automatic process; but it is something FREE you can do with the portable reader - when you have one.

Our Intermec EasyCoder PF8 comes with; FREE label design software and FREE support from BARCODE.CO.UK

If our software system (e.g. a module for £849 per year) serves you well for 10 years (i.e. a decade) you will have only paid £8,490 (over those 10 years - if you keep using it - there is no commitment from you). As a comparison, just 2 'minimum wage' or 1 'regular wage' staff that greatly benefit from the software, to do their job, would be paid £300,000 by you (i.e. £0.3 Million over that same period). The system will always be compatible with Sage and your scanners and how you work; even if you change how you work.

In addition, the known efficiency savings our barcode systems generate, far outweigh the cost. We ensure this by only encouraging customers to tackle the biggest business issues they have. From the moment you call us we cut our costs to you, to the minimum. The net effect is, we are putting cash in our clients pockets every time they use our systems; which is typically every day. For example, our systems often save having to employ 1 whole new person, or can allow you to employ 1 whole new person by knowing they will be efficient on day one.

FREE upgrades, FREE modifications and FREE extended hours support - which gives you a system that does exactly what you want now and any time in the future.

Why are FREE upgrades important? Any addition for Sage from ANY company will stop working if you ever upgrade your version of Sage (so access to addition upgrades is quite important - we include this for FREE). You can't buy an addition that would work after an upgrade - it is impossible. That is why we know people value upgrades. TIP: Also - with our systems - you don't have to upgrade, if you don't want to - Sage v8, v9,..., v18, v19, v20, ... are all sound accounts packages so there was no reason to spend money on upgrades every year (we have customers using all these versions of Sage).

Why are FREE modifications very useful? It's like FREE insurance. No business stays for ever with exactly the same customers, with the same requirements, same business practices and same staff, same computer systems. In fact you are considering some changes right now; otherwise you would not be reading this. When something does change you do not want unexpected costs - or worse; having to buy a whole new system. FREE modifications does not just mean FREE - it also means 'available'.

Part (Main Item) Mfr # Description Price Qty



Asset Issue and Return - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Mobile - Each mobile device requires its own software. Annual device software license. PA




Mobile Van Sales / Shelf Restocking / Route Accounting - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Order Entry Rapid Telesales - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




DISCOUNT Annual discount for 2 or more modules. The more modules you have the cheaper they are




Barcoded Invoice - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




EPOS Lite - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Live Stock Enquiry - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Royal Mail Postcode Address Lookup - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK demonstration visit, consultancy report with specifications and recommendations




Despatch Note - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Barcoded Catalogue - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Capture - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Sage Report Designer Barcodes (Sage v14 or over) - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Barcoded Despatch Note - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




TAILORING Initial tailoring. Small modifications (e.g. improvements / alternations) when systems have been in use are usually free (excludes adding major features i.e. specification creep)




Time & Materials - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




APC Overnight Courier Label Despatcher - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Amazon Seller Central, Marketplace Web Service (MWS) - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Goods Received Note (GRN) - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Goods IN / OUT - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




DPD Despatcher for CDS Customer Despatch System - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Courier Despatcher - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Label SOP - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Visit / Consultancy - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK demonstration visit, consultancy report with specifications and recommendations




CityLink Despatcher - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




DHL Easyship Despatcher - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Purchase Order (Delivery) Checking - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Despatcher for Tuffnells Ezeelink - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Traceability - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Stock Take - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Batch / Lot / Serial Tracking - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Returns - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Quick Receipt - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Label Despatch - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Portable Order - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Job Track - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Picking with Back Order - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Picking - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Parcel Force Despatcher - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Order Checking - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Label POP - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Asset Tracking / Configuration Management - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA




Put Away - Sage Line 50 BARCODE.CO.UK Addition annual software license. PA


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