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BARCODE.CO.UK Inventory Control – Stock Control Software - Professional / SQL Server versions

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barcode.co.uk. Stock Control software / Warehouse Management; inventory, parts stores, goods in/out, automation or reordering, minumum stock levels, locations, order picking, etc.. BARCODE.CO.UK Inventory Control – Stock Control Software - Professional / SQL Server versions. Lowest price at barcode.co.uk

Goods In / Out is a very safe and simple system - it gives you the minimum you need - live stock figures - no other fancy features.

How does it work? Goods arrive - you scan the barcode, enter a quantity - bang - it's done - your stock increases. Goods are picked to be shipped - scan the barcode, enter a qantity - your stock is reduced.

At any minute of the day you can view, or print, or export, or email, or spreadsheet your stock figures and plan orders for your suppliers.

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Product: BARCODE.CO.UK Inventory Control – Stock Control Software - Professional / SQL Server versions



Goods In / Out. Annual software license


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